Bangalore 560084, India
  • +91 80-41559667 / +91 9916712412

    QR Code Decals

    Why QR Code Decals?

    You never know what may happen to the vehicle when you park it and walk away. You always encounter situations where you wished if things could have been different. When the unexpected occurs, thats when you would have thought; 'if there was a way around'. Well... we SOLVE the Problem.

    Stay connected

    Get notified instantly, upon your vehicle requiring attention. It can be a parking problem, theft, fire or any other threat, hit & run, tow, etc.

    Whose vehicle?

    We DONT simply display address of vehicle owners. In real-time, we let you communicate with a vehicle owner for reasons related.

    QR decal tag

    An identity tag for vehicles, letting others know that the vehicle owner can be contacted any time on their phone..

    Track me

    See on map your loved ones travelling or reaching back from office, school bus, office cabs for pickup, delivery vehicles, field executives on the move, etc.

    Docs & Reminders

    SSL secured vehicle document vault. Renewal alerts for the vehicle insurance, emission and for other vehicle related services

    Emergency alert

    Alert notification gets sent to users assigned contacts, upon the vehicle/user facing an emergency situation..



    Connecting: Your Vehicle <=> QR Decal <=> your Mobile number Tag your vehicle with the safety decal available on our store.

    • Individual Vehicle Tagging
    • Employ Vehicle Identification
    • Residents Parking Tag
    • Hotel Guest Parking
    • Managed Parking Facilities
    • Tollbooth Vehicle Tags
    Service Image
    Service Image


    People can Scan or SEARCH with vehicle number on QR COde Decals to NOTIFY the OWNER/DRIVER when a vehicle is:

    • Parked Wrong
    • Blocking the Road
    • Lost or Abandoned
    • Hit and Run
    • Not Locked
    • Tow Alert
    • Fire & Other Threat
    • Accident Alert (inform victims family)



    Have questions or need more information?
    We’re here to help!