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    Satellite Data Collection

    Satellite data is available from different satellite data providers from ranges varying to 50 feets to less then 30 cm. The data availability and collection is required inorder to solve complex problems.

    Satellite Data Analysis

    Satellite data is available from different satellite data providers of ranges varying from 50 feet to less than 30 cm. Data availability and collection is required in order to solve complex problems.

    Modelling & Inference

    Our AI Toolkit allows users to build AI models to analyze satellite data and provide predictions, understanding on environments and real time data analysis capabilities. Results can be available within hours to minutes once data has been captured by a satellite.

    Prediction & Alerts

    Build advanced notification and alerting systems based on results from data and prediction gathered from satellite data. Artificial intelligence is key to solve large data problems.

    Satellite Imagery Analysis Use Cases

      Identify Illegal Deforestation
    • Accessing images of the same place over time allows to track changes – crucial to detect illegal deforestation. For example, satellite imagery analytics technology using already helped Brazilian Amazon rainforest not to be deforested.

    • Study Refugee Settlements
    • The growing number of displaced people worldwide has led to the construction of new refugee camps and the expansion of existing ones. There is a need to ensure the effective construction and maintenance of these dwellings when it comes to the location of shelters, water sources and other variables. Using satellite imagery can optimize this process.

    • Rescue Operations
    • Help with rescue operations after natural catastrophes such as floods or fires. Satellite imagery analytics allows you to get reliable information about the state of the affected areas of the planet in real time. More than that, in absence of physical access to areas, satellite imagery allows to track the number of people, affected infrastructure and fast response operations.

    • Economic Activity Maps
    • Using the AI model fused with regular survey data, it is possible to estimate per capita consumption expenditures for any place with daytime satellite imagery. This allows you to create fine-grained poverty maps using dwelling type recognition.

    • Monitor Sea Traffic
    • Detecting invisible ships is an extremely important task. Unregistered vessels can perform illegal activities such as trafficking in people and goods. This allows to optimize and understand supply chains over the businesses. Satellite imagery can be useful in the case of aircrafts as well.

    • Icebergs
    • The detection of icebergs, which can be a dangerous obstacle to marine activities, has become a much more convenient and effective task with the advent of the possibility of using images from space.

    • Roads Detection
    • Satellite imagery analytics allows to track the roads, constructions and transport schemas. Roads are easily detectable from above with only 10-30 m resolution. AI models track the network of roads, changes and new constructions. Distance of roads and networks in relations to other assets (roads leading to flooded areas, or post-disaster evacuation, or urban planning) allows to build informative analytics.

    • Land Classifier
    • Rivers, lakes, streams, oceans, coastal boundaries, parks, land cover, and beaches can be easily recognized and classified using satellite imagery even at lower resolution. The classic land classifier is the common input to reduce the area of interest in more insightful but requiring commercial high resolution imagery analytics.

    • Building Footprint
    • Automatic building retrieval with the help of satellite imagery can be used in various industries, such as land cover mapping, urban planning, disaster management, and extracting information about human settlement related to other economic activities.

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